DIY: Fun for the Whole Family

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Use the time you spend with your little ones for common activities that you can design while laughing and having fun at home. Let the games begin!
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Down the memory lane…

DIY Photo album

Every family has its own stories, and it is extremely important to bring these stories closer to your children by telling and conveying important, fun and emotional family moments and experiences that have marked your lives. One of the best ways of doing this is through family photos that represent a significant part of every family’s past. Invite your little ones to sort out photos from your family albums and, while doing that, tell them a story about each one of those photos. Let your children help you cut out some of the shared photos and create collages for a new photo album or wall decorations for your home. And finally, as the best part, choose a few photos that you all like the most and recreate the moments they show. Be imaginative and creative in designing exactly the same or similar scenes from the photos or play and swap roles, you can play the children and let the little ones play the parents. Also, record those moments by taking photos, the new ones that will also find their place in the box of memories you’ve created with your children. There will be plenty of laughter and joy, nostalgia and new beautiful memories, especially if the whole family is involved.

It’s story time!

DIY Story

For kids who love bedtime stories every night, creating a DIY picture book is a great activity in which both you and your little ones can participate. Children from 3 to 8 years of age enrich vocabulary, develop imagination and increase concentration through stories and picture books, which means that this activity, in addition to being fun, certainly has many positive educational aspects. During an imaginative conversation with your children, create your own story whose main heroes are their favourite characters, animals, colours and shapes that go on adventures that only your children can imagine! It is up to you to listen to your children’s ideas, encourage them to think and help them a little. Have them draw, colour, decorate pages with everything they find relevant to the story. And if they are old enough, let them write some parts themselves, the way they imagine it. Leave the end unfinished. Wondering why? This way, you will leave room for a new ending every night, a new idea and an adventure that the little ones will come up with. Once they outgrow it, this picture book will be a lasting and very fond memory for all of you.

All around the “world”

DIY Poligon

Turn your home into a playground! Although the very idea gives the willies to some parents, it is a very simple and effective way of having fun for all ages. Yes, parents, you included. Ready for our suggestion?! Create a drum roll training ground! After that, you will no longer be afraid that your children are not active enough at home! The preparation begins at the family meeting where you agree on the theme of your training ground: the Olympics, saving friends, jungle, royal paradise gardens… After that, you arm yourself with adhesive tape and, together with your children, you tape it to mark the route for the competitors. Simple arrows pointing in the right direction will make it easier for them to move, and the next step is to set up obstacles for which you can use boxes, pieces of your furniture, tools and green areas if you have a yard. Also, set traps for children older than 7 years to keep their attention as long as possible. Have them guess a correct term or solve a math problem, give an answer to a pantomime question, and the like. Lastly, take care of the safety of the training ground, and the children will take care of the fun.


After reading these lines, if you have already started making plans about putting some of the ideas above into practice – we wish you a lot of fun and laughter and beautiful memories that will make your day complete.

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